Saturday, April 28, 2012

Jeremy Lin Effect 林书豪效应

How to say Jeremy Lin's name in Chinese?

Here you go:

(lín) (shū) (háo) 

 How to say Jeremy Lin effect?
(lín) (shū) (háo) (xiào) (yìng)

Vietnamese Pho 越南粉面

How to say Vietnamese Pho in Chinese?

Here it is:
(yuè) (nán) (fěn) (miàn

 Do you love 越南粉面?Have you ever challenged yourself King of Pho?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pillow Fighting 枕头大战

(zhěn)( tóu

 It means pillow.

pillow-fight :   儿童用枕头打闹的游戏

(zhěn) (tóu) () (zhàn) 

The Pillow Fighting happened in the beginning of April in 2012 in Boston, M.A. People are so excited to join the activity and release the pressure from the daily life.