Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to say Happy Thanksgiving in Chinese

       As soon as we reach November, we have started to expect Thanksgiving. It is a big family gathering day a good deal shopping season, and nearly everybody will have a few days off from work. Thanksgiving is a western festival, it has not been listed on Chinese calender until early 2000s. Many young people usually gather together at the evening of Thanksgiving to have a party or go to restaurants to celebrate the festival, because it is not an official vacation day in China.
       How can we say Happy Thanksgiving in Chinese? Let us separate the two words first, 'happy' is called kuài (快乐)in Chinese, and Thanksgiving is pronounced as gǎn ēn jié(感 恩节). But we do not say Happy Thanksgiving in Chinese; instead, we say Thanksgiving Happy, all we need to do is to reverse the word order. So we say gǎn ēn jié kuài (感恩节快乐)in Chinese to express the meaning of Happy Thanksgiving.   

Gǎn ēn   jié   kuài   !  ===   Happy Thanksgiving!
感   恩   节    快    乐

huǒ  jī         jiā   tíng      tuán jù    
火 鸡         庭       团 聚 

Turkey         family           gathering

Videos about Thanksgiving(关于感恩节的视频):

wǔ  yuè  huā  === Mayflower
五     花 

wǔ  yuè              huā

 May               Flower


They Were the Pilgrims! M-A-Y-F-L-O-W-E-R... THAT SPELLS MAYFLOWER!!!!!


Pictures about Thanksgiving for kids to color(关于感恩节的图片,孩子们可以用于涂色):

                            mí gōng
     谜  宫   (Maze)